2012 Breakfasts in Review

It’s hard work, this Pancake Professional thing we do. But this year we got a little bit famous for a minute.

One hundred and four no-repeats breakfasts, 141 total reviews since we started. Twenty two reviews this year, 13 of which were new (admittedly, a little bit of a slow year for us, but the two boys have been a real challenge!). One 3-pancake rating, one 3.5 rating, six 4 ratings, six 4.5 ratings, and six 5-pancake ratings, and one broken coffee cup this year (two total in four years, if you’re keeping count). We revisited a lot of favorite places, just out of love.

We got to spend some time with old friends. The epic Aleshea came back to town just for us.

Matt and Veronica went on a long bike ride to find breakfast with us. (Seriously, over 20 miles that morning!)

Ivo (the big one, not the usual Ivo in these pages) and Mia came all the way from California for breakfast.

Favorite Guest Reviewer Mom joined us a few times. She only mommed it up a little bit.

Carolina and Laura came from the Tampa Bay Times. They even sort-of got to have breakfast (though Marek helped them with their bacon).

Sometimes we just took it light.

Sometimes we ate until we couldn’t see straight.

Our Spanish got used a little bit this year.

We dd a lot of bike riding and picnics in parks (though I only did one “review” of that, since I didn’t want to bore you, dear TBB readers!).

Ivo grew his hair all long and lovely.

Then got his first real haircut.

We said goodbye to a stalwart old friend of many burnouts and donuts.

And hello to a heap-o-fun new friend. (I won’t be trading Favorite Guest Reviewer Mom in like this. Don’t worry baby.)

It’s not all just fast cars and sexy rebel fellas here, though. We’re health-conscious bicycle people too, though that does tend to keep us within ten miles of home.

Unfortunately, it’s almost always me and Ivo on these bike trips. Marek’s at an inbetween stage where he’s a very strong rider, but I don’t take him too far. His longest city ride has been about 3.5 miles.

Pops on bikes (the loli, not the dad).

RNC 2012, A.K.A. Soviet Tampa. We did NOT like how it felt to ride in our city that weekend.

Andy and Ivo, biking buds!

It’s been a good year. We’re ready for more breakfast. Come and join us in 2013!