We were just driving around today. Happy to be back in the 21st century after last week’s adventure.
Then we saw this truck and we thought Desayunos! Juevos revueltos, cafe con leche, todos!
We visited The Caribbean Point at 1003 W Hillsborough Ave on 10 December 2009. This was our first visit, though we’ve driven by a lot and given it the Professional Breakfast Eyeball.
We got inside and were instantly treated to some great Cuban music and a cheerful welcome from the staff. From the look of the place, it probably gets rolling parties in the evenings. But we’re just here for breakfast. Por favor. Check out the great mural of Cuba and the Caribbean on the wall. That’s really something!
And there’s a nice little coffee bar up front, full of regulars having a morning dose of the high-octane Cubano-style.
While we were waiting, we pulled out the race cars. This little guy looks a lot like Drifter, my personal fav.
The nice lady says, what would you like? I say, in my Professional Breakfast Capacity, Cafe con Leche, por favor. Si. Gracias. No, yo tengo jugo para el niño, gracias.
And that Cafe con Leche came. And whoah, baby. That’s some really fine coffee. Forget eating, folks, just go for a dose of this daddy-juice.
And I mean “forget eating” if your name is Marek. We talked all morning about juevos. We get jeuvos, and he’s not interested. He’d barely even try the tostadas Cubanos. Maybe he’s upset that we haven’t given him a haircut yet ever in his life. But I liked my breakfast just fine! Good eggs. Great chorizo. Even the grits were good. I felt like I was in Cuba — southern Cuba, with them grits on the table!
Marek tried the tostadas under duress. Maybe he was holding out for lunch. Who knows with kids what’s going on in their little melons?
When we were done, Marek paid the bill. He likes the challenge!
All the ladies, as usual, were sighing and saying, que lindo… He had to go back to get change, then go back to say gracias, then go back to give them our business card. He’s Cassanova del desayunos!
He tried to spend the change on video keno. Little hoodlum!
We settled the bill, finished our cafe, stopped Marek from gambling, and gave besos to all. What a nice little place this is.
The price was rock-bottom. That hearty breakfast for seis dólares. Chow was good, people were friendly, Cuba mural was really unique. But it’s the cafe con leche that did it for us. This is a very fine desayunos Cubanos. We’re pleased to give The Caribbean Point a Tampa Bay Breakfasts four pancake rating.